- Mike John
- October 12, 2022
- Technology
So now it looks like our beloved iPhone14 has another issue going on with it. Now this one was something that I kind of thought to myself when Apple first released the iPhone 14 and that is actually with crash detection. so I’ll show you the article right now that basically is in question and it’s actually pretty insane so this one’s coming from The Verge but a ton of people were talking about it and essentially what’s going on is they basically say the iPhone 14 keeps calling 9-1-1 when people are on rollercoasters.
now this is basically due to Apple’s new crash detection feature that is within all the iPhone 14s now in theory I think that the feature is really cool and in fact there we real ready some reports stating that you know crash detection has successfully called you know police on a few different crashes. which I think is actually you know really really important and super useful but in this case and you can actually listen to the 911 call and I don’t even know if they listed here so they do list the 911 call and I listen to it is kind of if you were to listen to it and you weren’t aware that they were on roller coaster. you would probably assume that it was some sort of Crash thing because there are people screaming and stuff so I will give them the benefit of the doubt but the main question is how can apple go ahead and address this and fix this because if they’re they already had spent probably a ton of time to make sure their algorithm and everything were set up to where if you’re you know if it if a crash is detected then it’ll call the police so maybe they didn’t account for roller coasters and maybe they didn’t think people with iPhone 14s were going to go on roller coasters I’m not too sure but I would actually recommend people to go ahead. if they want to actually listen to this because it is actually you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference and in fact when there is a call with someone with crash Detection it’ll automatically calls 911 and it does say the owner of this iPhone was in a severe car crash.
so I’m sure if people are working at a ton of different amusement parks and if you work at amusement park or something you already have police come please leave your thoughts in the comment section but in my opinion Apple has kind of two ways togo and fix this one either they can use your location you know if it’s uh you know if they detect you’re in some sort of amusement parklike a Disney World or something like that then maybe they can sense your location and say okay they are in an amusement park chances are they’ reprobably on a roller coaster because I don’t know if you can get a car into Disney land. like that or whatever so that might be one thing Apple can do another thing maybe they can make it a little easier for you to turn off crash detection I think there is a way to do it but I’m not even too sure so maybe there is a way to do it that might be something Apple may want to do another thing is I’m not like 100 too sure but I have seen a few different videos of people actually you know trying to test crash detection and as far as I know I don’t know if it vibrates your phone or any thing I think it just displays something like along the lines of not Siri but something along the lines of like this and it says you know we’re about to call you know Emergency Services. you know click here if you don’t want to do it I don’t know if there’s a way for them to go ahead and make it so they can like vibrate it like crazy or something like that that way people can go and test it and you know turn it off but if you’re on a rollercoaster you’re probably not even going to detect that so I’m going to be very curious to see what Apple does here but hopefully Apple can go and address this.
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