Everything You Need to Know About the Russia-Ukraine War
- Shivam Mamgain
- March 21, 2022
- Global Updates
Everything You Need to Know About the Russia-Ukraine War
As the Russian military continues to advance into Ukraine, more questions are being asked about the invasion’s purpose, what will happen next, and what this could imply for Europe in the long run.
In mid-January, Russia began deploying military forces into Belarus, which adjoins Russia and Ukraine, in preparation for March joint military exercises.
Before he withdrew his military forces, Vladimir Putin has issued many security requirements to the
United States. On top of that, Ukraine will be prohibited from joining NATO, and NATO troops and weapons would be removed across much of Eastern Europe as part of Putin’s conditions.
There’s precedence for taking the potential danger seriously: in 2014, Putin seized the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine.
Ukraine’s varied history provides a glimpse into the complicated nation it has become and why it is constantly under attack.
The following are some facts about the Russia-Ukraine war:
It’s hard to say what Putin’s motives are, but he isn’t likely to back down:
The decision of Russia to invade Ukraine confounded Russian experts, who believed it made no strategic
sense. According to Russian experts, attacking Ukraine does not make sense. Nobody knows what is
going on in President Putin’s mind.
Vladimir Putin’s assertions that the invasion was a “military act of self-defense” against NATO’s
expansion, an attempt to prevent genocide against Russian speakers, and that Ukraine is not a sovereign
country but rather a part of Russia are examples of his justifications.
There are reports that Russians are increasing their attacks on civilians—they’re moving closer to a
Chechnya-style approach. It does not appear that Putin intends to back down any time soon.
As a consequence, Ukraine and Europe become more closely linked:
The war in Ukraine is no longer just a local conflict. It has morphed into a battle between two competing
visions for Europe: an undivided continent with open borders and shared values or a bloc divided by
nationalism and suspicion.
The war is likely to increase cooperation between Ukraine and European Union countries in the short
term. In a long time, however, it could lead to the breakup of the EU if member states continue to take
divergent approaches to Russia.
NATO could get involved:
If the fighting in Ukraine escalates, NATO may be forced to intervene. NATO has already increased its
military presence in Eastern Europe as a show of solidarity with countries that feel threatened by Russia.
While Ukraine is not a NATO member, it does have treaty obligations to defend itself if attacked. If
Russia were to invade another NATO country, such as Poland or Lithuania, all members of NATO would
be obligated to come to that country’s defense.
Many Russians are against this:
Not all Russians are in favor of the war in Ukraine. Opinion polls show that most Russians are against it.
The economic sanctions imposed by the West in response to the invasion have hurt Russia’s economy,
and many ordinary Russians are tired of seeing their standard of living decline.
There is also a sense that Russia is being unfairly scapegoated for the world’s ills.
Ukraine has a complicated history:
Ukraine is not just another Eastern European country—it is a complex and divided nation that has been
at war with itself for centuries.
Despite gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine has struggled to define its identity and form a stable government. The debate over closer ties to Europe or Russia has raged for decades.
Some people want stronger relations with Europe, while others want stronger connections with Russia.
The current conflict is just the latest chapter in Ukraine’s long and complicated history.
The war has displaced millions of people:
According to the UN, the war in Ukraine has displaced more than two million people.
The UN is concerned that the conflict could soon become a humanitarian disaster.
Ending Note:
The war in Ukraine is not just a conflict between two countries. It is a battle for the future of Europe,
and it could have severe implications for NATO and the EU. The dispute has continued to escalate, so
the situation is almost certain to deteriorate. The consequences of this war will be felt by ordinary
people long after the fighting stops.
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